About Kyoko Bartley

About Kyoko Bartley

Kyoko Bartley lives in the Princeton area in New Jersey, with her husband and daughter.

Currently she works as an artist, educator, writer, online Japanese community #在米鍋会 organizer/founder and a local volunteer for helping mothers and females.

She describes herself as a “crafts-person” type of artist.

Artist Statement

My name is Kyoko Bartley. I am originally from Japan and now live in New Jersey. 

I have been into drawing since earlier than I can remember.

I grew under the influence of pop culture from the US. I was interested in hand drawn animation and movies. When I was four, I started dreaming about working at Disney. I have not stopped drawing at least a day except for during Earthquake in 2011. Until the earthquake in 2011, I would draw every day.

I simply like creating things. Beautiful things. The concept of beauty varies and there is no certain definition of it in myself. I do not care as much about how something looks as I do that the information is in there.

The importance of making art for me is, my art has more message inside than visual information. I want my audience to think and feel freely as they would naturally. Some of my art might look pretty, some might make you realize the realty that humans always have had that remains unsolved, and some might make you feel relief or reminisce the scent you have experienced somewhere in your life.

Art for visual artists is a challenge of never ending cultivation of the skills of creation to make “better” output for sight, and also to polish one’s own input for philosophical maturity to understand the information.

I am constantly changing. You would never see same art from me.

When I draw characters with simple lines, I cerebrate the beauty of humans.

Painting nature for me is praying for time.

I like to capture the moment of nature in photography.

My recent animal related work is dedicated to animal welfare and endangered species.


Born in Japan.

Heavily influenced by American comics and movies.

Has loved oekaki (doodling), arts and crafts since she was very young.

Started movie making, working as a freelance illustrator, and as a photographer when she was in high school.

Majored in American cultural studies with a focus on cinema and visual iconography.

Visited major studios in Hollywood, Burbank, Glendale, and NYC as a scholarship recipient.

Released a short independent movie in Tokyo, funded in part by a college scholarship.

Attended Saitama University (Japan) and earned a master’s degree in media science.

Worked at a Japanese industry company as a research and development consultant for technology collaboration with MIT.

As an independent artist, created character designs and illustrations for various publications, websites, apps, and education materials. Specialized in comic art and comic book translations (English to Japanese). Also teaching art around Princeton NJ area as a personal tutor.

On 2011, moved to Cincinnati, Ohio for further study. Kyoko was curious to see Cincinnati, where the respected film maker, Steven Spielberg, was born.

2016, moved to New Jersey.

2017, worked as a character merchandise designer in the U.S.

2018 November, Princeton Japanese Association (PJA) Director of Family Support. For local and nation-wide Japanese families, organized a meet up group.


1997 Kodansha (Japanese Publishing company) contest

2001- Scholarship for individual study in United States.

2007 – 2012 DeviantArt photo contests (multiple times)

2009 DeviantArt Nature Photography, First place

2011 DeviantArt Daily Deviation

2014 Cincinnati Library Comic-Con, First place

2015 Cincinnati Library Comic-Con, Third place

2018 Certificate of Appreciation from President of University of Tokyo, Japan.

2020 July Winner of Artist×Consulate Collaboration Coloring Page Design Project Consulate of Japan in New York

Coloring Art copies are prepared for visitors at Consulate of Japan in New York. (New York) Feel Free to download and spread your coloring on SNS using #artistcgjny.

Works have been frequently featured by comic artists, Nickelodeon, and Comic Vine, via social media, blogs, and exhibitions. 

Exhibition History

2018 May Princeton Japanese Association Spring Art Gallery (New Jersey)

2019 August – October  Franklin Park Public Library, NJ, Exhibition. (New Jersey) 

2019 October 19 at Princeton Japanese Association (PJA)  Annual Art Exhibition. (New Jersey)

2020 February. Small World Coffee at Witherspoon, solo exhibition. (New Jersey)

Solo shows which scheduled during 2020 and 2021 were cancelled because of the pandemic.

2021 November – 2022 January. Franklin Park Library Display. (New Jersey)

2022 February Mary Jacobs Library Display. (New Jersey)

2022 March – May. Franklin Park Library Display. (New Jersey)

2022 June. Small World Coffee at Witherspoon, solo exhibition. (New Jersey)

(Coming Soon) 2022 October Bridgewater Library (New Jersey)

(Coming Soon) 2022 December Lawrence Headquarter Branch Library (New Jersey)


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Local Artist Display: An Interview with Kyoko Bartley

Featured on Somerset County Library System Blog on February 22nd 2022. Thank you so much!

Featured on Raritan Neighbors on March 1st 2022.


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About Kyoko Bartley
Town Topics, Feb 2020.